
a lot of VC++ posts, a few C# posts, and some miscellaneous stuff

Thursday, November 03, 2011

tlist crash on Windows XP

I need a tool to print out executable path and pid on Windows. tlist looks promising by google. But it will crash on my computer. Fortunately there is another tool that can help me: wmic.exe path win32_process get ExecutablePath,ProcessId

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

"invalid character" error on Ubuntu 11.04

A program reported invalid character error when process a file of EUC-JP encoding. Most common recommendations are adding ja_JP.EUC-JP in
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
and changing changing LANG and LANGUAGE to ja_JP.EUC-JP
They don't fix the error. At last, my problem was solved by changing the LC_CTYPE in terminal before invoking make.
export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.EUC-JP

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

VC++ 2008 build ACE+TAO+CIAO-6.0.5.tar.bz2

I created a batch file to build ACE+TAO+CIAO-6.0.5.tar.bz2 via VC++ 2008.
first extract files out, size is 442 MB, size on disk: 546MB.
after build, size is 2.77GB, size on disk: 2.88 GB.
after clean some temporary files like .obj, .pdb, .pch, etc, size is 632 MB, size on disk 744 MB.
build start at 12:34, end at 14:23.

call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\..\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat"
cd /d C:\os\ace605\ACE_wrappers\
IF NOT EXIST ace\config.h copy /B ace\config-win32.h ace\config.h
@ECHO Start build ACE_wrappers_vc9.sln > C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log
time /t >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log
devenv C:\os\ace605\ACE_wrappers\ACE_wrappers_vc9.sln /useenv /Build "Debug|Win32" >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log
time /t >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log
devenv C:\os\ace605\ACE_wrappers\ACE_wrappers_vc9.sln /useenv /Build "Release|Win32" >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log

SET INCLUDE=C:\os\ace605\ACE_wrappers\TAO\tao;%INCLUDE%

@ECHO Start build TAO_ACE_vc9.sln >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log

cd /d C:\os\ace605\ACE_wrappers\TAO
time /t >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log
devenv C:\os\ace605\ACE_wrappers\TAO\TAO_ACE_vc9.sln /useenv /Build "Debug|Win32" >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log
time /t >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log
devenv C:\os\ace605\ACE_wrappers\TAO\TAO_ACE_vc9.sln /useenv /Build "Release|Win32" >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log
time /t >> C:\os\ace605\vc9build4.log
